This form will add a Title, block of text, photos, videos, documents, and URLs to your Phygital record. You can view How Your Phygital Record will Appear following this form.

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How your Phygital Record will Appear

How your Phygital record will appear.
  1. Main Image: picture displayed at top of page
  2. Artwork Name: the name of artwork and artist
  3. VID #: your unique VeChain tracking ID
  4. Product Information: details about your artwork
  5. Things of Interest: key facts or summary details
  6. Files: PDF files related to your artwork
  7. More Pictures: create a gallery with more pictures
  8. Videos: upload short mp4 videos
  9. URL Links: add links to other sites, social media, NFT links

Additional Details

Add Artist details, artwork backstory, artistic vision, creative process. Connect artwork to NFT marketplace.
  1. a. Summary: name, ID
  2. b. About Artist: details about the Artist
  3. c. Fun Facts: key facts or summary details
  4. d. Gallery: upload up to 10 pictures, 5 video clips, 5 documents, 3 URLs. Tap to open thumbnails to Full Gallery size, swipe right to scroll, swipe down to close, tap to play, X top corner to close.